Audio:QS051101.AIF C-box: HiliteBoxLoc:30,213;40,156;37,264;81,145;41,312;52,309;113,282;170,211;225,185;228,289;338,134;351,220;315,283;402,324 LineNum:350;352;359;365;359;359;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;355 GeoBytesUsed:3 A-box or Headline4:N/A A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Simple eye*QS051102.AIF* Wrong 1:Abdomen Wrong 2:Antennae Wrong 3:Compound eye Wrong 4:Foreleg Wrong 5:Mouth Wrong 6:Stinger Wrong 7:Thorax Wrong 8:Tongue GeoByte1:Smoke can be used to quiet angry bees. GeoByte2:Bees can see the ultraviolet rays that are often reflected by flowers. Humans cannot see ultraviolet light. GeoByte3:Using its three simple eyes and two compound eyes, a bee can see colors, patterns and movement. GeoByte4: GeoByte5: GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: PictCasts:[]* Video:#none Palette:N/A StartVideo:#none EndVideo: HiliteBoxStopIndex:4 Glossary Start Glossary End